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Prepositions В or ВО, С or СО, О or ОБ

In the Russian language, there are prepositions В/ВО, С/СО, О/ОБ. Each of these pairs of prepositions has the same meaning with a small difference, adding a vowel "O", for the convenience of pronouncing words. Let’s consider the examples when it is necessary to use a specific preposition.

Prepositions В or ВО

If the word after the preposition begins with two consonant letters, the first of which is В or Ф, then the preposition ВО is used in speech and writing:

Во фрагменте, во фразе, во Франции, во французском, во флаконе

Во фрагменте этого фильма есть очень интересная цитата. – [Va fragmén′ti étava fíl′ma yest′ óchin′ in′tirésnaya tsytáta.] – There is a very interesting quote in the fragment of this film.

Во французском ресторане мы попробовали новое летнее меню. – [Va frantsúskam ristaráni my papróbavali nóvaye l′étniye minyú.] – We tasted a new summer menu in the French restaurant.

Во втором, во вторник, во вчерашнем, во взгляде, во владении, во всяком

Его машина была во втором ряду на дороге. – [Yevó mashýna bylá va ftaróm ridú na darógi.] – His car was in the second row on the road.

Во вчерашнем журнале я нашла моё интервью. – [Va fchiráshnim zhurnáli ya nashlá mayó intyrvyú.] – I found my interview in yesterday’s magazine.

! Also the preposition ВО is used in the following words:

Во многом (in many ways), во многих (in many), во весь (in all), во имя (in the name of)

Они сделали фото на смартфон во весь их рост. – [An′i zdélali fóto na smartfón va ves′ ikh rost.] – They took photos on the smartphone in all their height.

Эта книга очень популярна и издаётся во многих странах мира. – [Éta kníga óchin′ papulyárna i izdayótsa va mnógikh stránakh míra.] – This book is very popular and published in many countries of the world.

Prepossitions С or СО

The principle of using is the same as in previous pairs of prepositions. The letter O is added to the preposition C, if the preposition is used with a word that begins with two consonant letters.

Со стула (from the chair), со мной (with me), со слезами (with tears), со всеми (with all), со многими (with many)

-Возьми со стула свою игрушку! – [Vaz′mí sa stúla svayú igrúshku!] – Take your toy from the chair.

-Кто пойдёт сегодня со мной на речку? – [Kto pajdyót sivódnya sa mnoj na réchku?] – Who will to the river with me?

Prepositions О or ОБ

In the case of the preposition O, the letter Б is added if the preposition is before a word that begins with the vowels of the letters А, И, О, У, Э.

Об этих (about these), об игрушках (about toys), об Арине (about Irine), об уроке (about the lesson), об энциклопедии (about encyclopedia).

Я много слышала об этих людях. – [Ya mnóga slýshala ab étikh lyúdyakh.] – I’ve heard a lot about these people.

Джейсон позвонил своим друзьям в Великобританию и рассказал об уроках русского языка. – [Dzhéjsan pazvaníl svaím druz′yám v Vilikabritániyu i raskazál ab urókakh rúskava yazyká.] – Jason called to his friends in Great Britain and told about his Russian language lessons.

! In addition, with some words beginning with a consonant letter, the preposition ОБО is used:

Обо всём (about everything), обо мне (about me)

-С тобой можно говорить обо всём на свете! – [S tabój mózhno gavarít′ aba fsyom na svéti!] – It’s possible to talk about everything in the world with you!

-Не спрашивай ничего обо мне! – [Ni spráshivaj nichivó aba mne!] – Don’t ask anything about me!


О тебе (about you)

-Твой новый рассказ о тебе? – [Tvoj nóvyj raskás a tibé?] – Is your story about you?

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