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Word order in affirmative sentence

As you know, there are no strict requirements for word order in a Russian sentence. If we talk about a simple sentence, we can put words in any place. They say, even if your speech sounds unnaturally, everybody will understand you. However, it's not always true. In a compound sentence there is not only word order but also the order of phrases - thus, wrong order can change the meaning of a whole sentence. But even in simple sentences the rearrangement of words can make the sentence illogical.

Дочь любит осень. - A daughter loves autumn.
Осень любит дочь. - Autumn loves a daughter.

People seldom make such mistakes because cases usually help to notice this distortion of a meaning. Thus, mistakes are mostly connected with stylistics, when a word in "unusual place" obtains another stylistic connotation.

Сегодня нужно закончить работу. - Today I have to finish the work.
Работу нужно закончить сегодня. - It is necessary to finish this work today.

Anyway, if you are not sure how to place words, use the subjective word order. The subjective word order can be described with following constructions:

Sunbject - verb - object (you can put adverbial modifier anywhere).
Я завтра пойду на вечеринку. Завтра я пойду на вечеринку. - I will go to the party tomorrow. Tomorrow I will go to the party.
You can stress any word in this sentence.

(Who?) Я завтра пойду на вечеринку. - I will go to the party tomorrow.
(When?) Я завтра пойду на вечеринку. - I will go to the party tomorrow.
(Where?) Я завтра пойду на вечеринку. - I will go to the party tomorrow.

See? We can make any sentence expressive even with a simple word order just changing the logical stress. For this purpose we also use inverted order of words (inversion) in Russian.

Я часто болею простудой. - I often catch cold.
Простудой я болею часто. - Catch cold I often.

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