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Exceptions related to the prepositional case but which have other endings

Hello, dear student! Today we will discuss some words which you should memorize. Let me recall, when we decline a noun in cases in the Russian language, we look at the endings which define the case. But there is a range of words which cause difficulties in the understanding of the cases.

The group of words of feminine gender which includes:

Имя - (о чём?) имени - именах (plural form) - [Imya -imeni- imenakh] Name/names

Дочь - (о ком?) дочери - дочерях (plural) - [Doch'- docheri- dochiryakh] Daughter/ daughters

Время - (о чём?) времени- временах (plural) - [Vremya -vremeni-vremenakh] Time, in the Russian language there is also a plural form of this word.

Мать - (о чём?) матери- матерях (plural) - [Mat'- materi- materyakh] Mother/mothers

There are also such exceptions, as:

Лес - (в чём?) в лесу [les - v lisu]

В лесу растут грибы [V lisu rastut griby] - There mushrooms growing in the forest.

Аэропорт - (в чём?) в аэропорту [aehraport - v aehrapartu]

В аэропорту сейчас очень много самолетов [V aehrapartu sijchas ochen' mnoga samalyotaf] - There are lots of planes in the airport.

Сад (в чём?) в саду [sad - v sadu]

Дети играют в саду [Deti igrayut f sadu] - Children play in the garden

Шкаф (в чём?) в шкафу [shkaf - v shkafu]

В её шкафу много одежды [V eyo shkafu mnoga adezhdy] - There is much clothes in her wardrobe.

Пол (на чём?) на полу [pol - na palu]

На полу валялись чьи-то вещи [Na palu valyalis' chyi-ta vesshi] - There was somebody's stuff lying on the floor.

As these examples show, nouns in the dative case have the ending -у [u] that is untypical for the prepositional case. Thus, if you do not know these exceptions, you can easily be confused and define the declension incorrectly.

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