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Secrets of Russian Language

"Сказки - ложь, но в них намёк, добрым молодцам урок." А.С.Пушкин

There is no other language on the planet with so many secrets as in Russian. It's a pity, but the majority of Russian native speakers doesn't even guess, how profound and wonderful this language is.

Greeting a neighbor in the morning, we say, "здравствуйте", what means that we wish good health to a person. After some favor been done, we say, "спасибо", God save you. Прощай is literally "I forgive".

Amazingly, how accurately the word счастье /happiness/ conveys the meaning of an act. Счастье is implication. If you want to be happy, you should be a contributor in somone's life. After all, giving is greater happiness than getting!

According to some scientists, there was a nation in Rus, lifestyle of which, customs and language, reflected their spirituality. It was confirmed by many words we use in normal speech.

Not only in Egypt but some other parts of the planet people offered worship to Ra, the sun divinity, light, sun. The reminiscences of such worships in Rus we can find in many Russian words.


  • When sun hasn't risen yet, we say РА+но /early/ - no sun
  • To get up with the sun – вставать по+РА /it's time to get up/
  • To feel joy – РА+дость – to reach out Ra
  • An open-hearted person  – РА+душный /hearty/
  • To rejoice someone – РА+довать (to give) to present someone with light
  • To be educated /иметь образование/ – Об+РА+зование –  to have a title or call, given by Ra
  • To have a reason – РА+зум – to be smart, to understand, to know a lot
  • Rainbow – РА+дуга
  • Belief – Ве+РА to worship Ra


There is an opinion that formerly river Volga was called Ra. Consequently, the territory near the river was called РАссея, or literally Shining of Ra, the land of sun.

The same is with traditional Russian УРА!!!!!!!! /hurray/. It is some kind of call to the light. Supposedly, that's why it was impossible to defeat the Slavs at home. It seemed that Ra helped them.

Remarkably that an opposite to УРА-call was УВЫ /woe/. The enigma of ancient Slavs lied exactly in this. ВЫ was the name for darkness within their meaning. Just remember «Вый» /Viy/ by Gogol, whose king he was? That's right - the king of darkness! What does the expression иду на ВЫ /I'm coming after you/ tell us about? It tells about something obscure, mysterious, dark.

Maybe that's why God in Rus was never addressed to as Вы /you, respectful form/, as people didn't want to insult light with the darkness. He was addressed only as ТЫ /friendly form/! Besides, the saints were reffered only as ТЫ.

Except Ra, ancestors of the Slavs also worshiped other gods. РОД /Rod/ was one of them. According to the legends, he was the one who has shown to people what should be done on the Earth. It is really interesting, how this worshiping was reflected in Russian writing.


  • Where we were born - РОДина /motherland/
  • Who gave birth to us - РОДители /parents/
  • What surrounds us - приРОДа /nature/
  • Similar in blood – РОДственники, РОДня /kindred/
  • Living closely - наРОД /people/
  • Those, who didn't believe in Rod, were called УРОД or ВЫРОДОК /bastard/


It's not hard to guess where the word Семья /family/ came from. It came from СЕМЯ /seed/. The word семья itself (цифра семь /number seven/ + я /I/) can mean a person and six generations of one's family - great grandparents, grandparents, parents before him, and children, grandchildren, great grandchildren after.

Any movement in ancient times was denoted as ГА. We find its confirmation in teh following Russian words:

ДороГА /way, road/, ТелеГА /waggon/, ноГА /leg/.

What is the name of a bird, sitting near the road? That's right, ГАлка /jackdaw/.

How do we call a crooked woman? Cтарая карГА /harridan/.

Notice, that ГА looks very much alike English GO.

A nationality, which moves all the time is цыГАне /gypsies/. And what will you say about a bird called ГАГАРА /diver/? It is double movement to the sun. And should we consider last name of the first cosmonaut (ГАГАрин /Gagarin/) just a coincidence?

After Bolsheviks' rise to power known to everyone ТОВАРИЩИ /mates/ appeared.

There is an opinion that not only hucksters, but also bandits were named this way in ancient times? Hiting upon caravans and water crafts, they screamed fiercely, "ТОВАР - ИЩИ /look for the goods/"!

One more familiar word to us is СВОЛОЧИ /rabbles/. That's how river customs were called in ancient times. These minions of the law stood on rivers on so-called carries. What did they do? They cволакивали /dragged/ goods.

As we can see, Russian language is not only great and powerful, but also very profound. Many words, which are not used in ordinary talk today, in ancient times had sacral function, which helped people to have a connection with the Divine.

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