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Basic phrases needed for study at Russian universities

Hello, dear student! Probably, there are a lot of people among you, who want, plan or already study at Russian universities, colleges, schools or institutes. A lot of my students do not have enough knowledge in the sphere of education, i.e. they cannot or do not know what phrases and words to use in order to explain or ask something during their study. It causes a lot of troubles for those, who begin and continue to study.

Today I suggest to look at some phrases, which help other people to understand you.
Let's start with the words, which are unclear to a foreigner:

Абитуриент [abiturient] - a graduate/freshman/undergraduate

Абитуриенты должны подать документы в приемную комиссию [abiturienty dalzhny padat' dakumenty f priyomnuyu kamisiyu] - Undergraduate students have to apply all the documentation to the selection committee.

Абитуриент - is a freshman who just recently entered the university or is going to do it.

Приемная комиссия (a selection committee) - is the department in every educational institution that receives and processes all necessary documentation. To get to know whether you enter the university or not, you should also call a selection committee which always includes several workers.

Общага/общежитие [apchshaga/apchshezhitie]- a campus/dormitory - is the place, where all students live. It is usually provided by an education institution - a university or a college.

There is a great number of educational institutions in Russian, so you should know the differences between them to choose direction correctly:

Университет [universitet] - a university - is an educational institution which has a wide range of various faculties, i.e. specialties, such as: mathematics, chemistry, physics and the humanities.

Институт [institut] - a special Russian institution for education - the main difference of this educational institution fr om university is that an institution suggests limited number of subjects and specialties. For example, only in industries: институт Горной Промышленности - the institute of Mining Engineering.

Колледж [kolidzh] - a college - Russian college is much different fr om colleges all around the world. It is like secondary vocational education, wh ere future hairdressers, cooks study. But you can also meet sociologists, nurses, economists and book-keepers.

Now let's turn to phrases necessary for study:

- Где находится столовая? [Gde nakhoditsya stalovaya?] - Wh ere is the canteen?
- Когда начинается следующая пара? [kagda nachinaetsya sleduyushaya para?] - When does the next lecture begin?

The word "пара" means in Russian a lecture which lasts for about 90 minutes. As lessons at Russian schools last for 45 minutes, at universities they are called "пара" (a pair), i.e. two lessons for 45 minutes each = 90 minutes of lecture/double lesson.

- Вы не поможете мне с курсовой работой, я кое-что не понял [Vy ni pamozhite mne s kursavoj rabotaj, ya koi-shto ni ponyal] - I wonder if you could help me with the course work, I haven't caught some points.

Курсовая работа (the course work) - is a final work, i.e. something that a student should write in the end of a course and get grades for. To write and work on it, you need "руководитель проекта" [rukavaditel' praekta] - a tutor/mentor, who helps you and explains everything that you do not understand.

- Какие книги мне нужно взять в библиотеке и нужен ли мне студенческий билет? [kakie knigi mne nuzhna vzyat' f bibliateke i nuzhen li mne studencheskij bilet?] - What kind of books do I need to borrow from the library and do I need my student ID?

Студенческий билет (a student ID card) - is the document which proves that you are a student of a certain university or college. In Russia you need a student ID card to go to the libraries, museums or to use transport. There are always discounts for students, who have an active card. Students usually omit the word "билет" and use only "студенческий". They also shorten the words:

Университет - универ [univer]
Общежитие - общага [apchshaga]
Столовая - столовка [stalofka]
Лекция - пара [para]
Студенческий билет - студенческий [studenchiskiy]
Преподаватель - препод [prepod]

But be careful, you can use these shortenings only among students, but not with teachers/professions!

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