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Nouns which have only singular and only plural forms

Hello, dear student,
Today I would like to give consideration to nouns again.

There are the nouns in the Russian language which are used only in one of the forms: either in the singular or in the plural one. Today I would like to examine both forms by the example of words. You should memorize them and know how to them use in a sentence.

The nouns which have only singular form
Nouns which denote a substance, e.g.:
сахар [Sakhar] - Sugar
мёд [myod] - honey
железо [zh'eh' leh' za] - iron
пыль [pyl'] - dust
олово [olavo] - tin
стекло [stiklo] - glass
вода [vada] - water
масло [masla] - oil or butter

Nouns which denote or point at attributes:
чистота [Chistata] - purity
смех [smekh] - laugh
гордость [gordast'] - pride
злоба [zloba] - spite

Nouns which combine objects or living creatures into groups, e.g.:
белье [Bil'yo] - clothes
посуда [pasuda] - dish
еда [jida] – food

The nouns which have only plural form
Nouns which denote names of some substances or objects, e.g."
дрожжи [drozhi] - barm
выборы [vybary] - elections
ворота [varota] – gates

Nouns which denote names of different processes or games:
шашки [shashki] - checkers
шахматы [shakhmaty] - chess
гонки [gonki] – racing

Nouns which denote pairs:
ножницы [nozhnitsy] - scissors
брюки [bryuki] - trousers
очки [achki] – glasses

Nouns which point at names of natural phenomena or short periods of time, e.g.:
сумерки [sumirki] - twilight
заморозки [zamaraski] - frosts
будни [budni] – weekdays

And finally, the last category - proper nouns:
Альпы [Al'py] - Alps
Гималаи [Gimalai] - Himalayas

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