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Two different words but similar mistakes. ВестИ and вЕсти

Hello, dear student! Today we devote our topic to the typical mistakes made by foreigners and Russian-language learners. I would like to draw your attention to two interesting words, one little mistake of which can lead to confusion and misunderstanding.

ВестИ - the stress in this word falls upon the last letter "И". This word is - a verb, which denotes that someone does such action that makes somebody or something follow you. Imagine a leader, who motivates and agitates people, for example, a person wants to be a president and promises people to improve their life standards, he agitates people to vote for him and follow him.

· Этот человек может вести за собой целую толпу [Ekhtat chilavek mozhit visti za saboj tseluju talpu] - This man can make a lot of people follow him

The second meaning of this verb is "проводить"/ "учить кого-то" - to organise / teach (any project, lesson, meeting). For example:
· Нам нужно вести уроки в этой школе [Nam nuzhna visti uroki v ekhtaj shkole] - We need to teach lessons in this school.

But there is also the word "вЕсти" in the Russian language, when the stress falls upon the first letter "Е". Then this word is a noun in plural, which denotes any news. There is even news show on the Russian television, which is called "Вести". It provides you with the information about current situations in Russia.

· Некоторые вести не очень хорошие [Nekatarye vesti ni ochin' kharoshie] - Some news are quite bad.
· Саша считает, что программу "Вести" надо закрыть [Sasha sshitait, shto pragramu "Vesti" nada zakrit'] - Sasha thinks that the news program "Vesti" should be disband.

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