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What is "союз" and why we need it in our speech

Hello, dear student! Today we will talk about conjunctions. It is an inherent part of the Russian language that fulfills very important function. This function in its turn is divided into small actions that we need to form a phrase, sentence or diversify our speech.

Союз or союзы [Sayuz]/[Sayuzy] Conjunction(s)

Conjunctions are able to unite sentences which will not have any sense without a certain conjunction, for example:

Я бегаю по утрам и занимаюсь плаванием по выходным [Ya begayu pa utram i zanimayus' plavaniem pa vykhadnym] - I run in the morning and go swimming at weekend

The conjunction "и" [i] and - unites two clauses in this example.

По утрам надо завтракать, чтобы быть в хорошем настроении [Pa utram nada zaftrakat', shto by byt' f kharoshim nastraenii] - To be in a good mood, you need to have breakfast in the morning

The conjunction "чтобы" [shtoby] because - helps to explain a person any fact or event.

Я любила читать книги, когда была маленькой [Ya lyubila chitat' knigi, kagda byla malen'kaj] - I loved reading books when I was a kid.

The conjunction "когда" [kagda] when - shows us the time, when any event has taken place.

Тане надо идти, потому что уже темно [Tane nada itti, patamu shta uzhe timno] - Tanya has to go because it's dark outside.

The conjunction "потому что" [patamu shta] because (of) - also helps us to explain any reason.

Если бы я поехала, то уже бы была дома [Esli by ya paekhala, to uzhe byla doma] If I went, I would be at home now.

The conjunction "если" [esli] if - shows us any condition.

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