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Preposition "на" + means of transport in Russian

Hello, dear student! This topic is very important, as almost all people use transport so it is important to know those nuances which the Russian language has. People use different prepositions all around the world to denote the transport they use. For a start, let's look at different means of transport and their names in Russian:

· Машина [Mashina] - a car
· Мотоцикл [Matatsikl] - a motorcycle
· Такси [taksi] - a taxi
· Поезд [poezd] - a train
· Велосипед [vilasiped] - a bike
· Автобус [aftobus] - a bus
· Метро [mitro] - underground/subway/tube

These are the most common means of transport which you can describe, when you tell your friend what transport you have used, for example:

-Я приеду через пол часа, мой автобус опаздывает. [Ya priedu cherez pol chasa, moj aftobus apazdyvaet] - I will come in half an hour, my bus is late.

- Может тебе приехать на такси? [Mozhit tibe priekhat' na taksi?] - Maybe you'd better come by taxi?

To tell or write to your interlocutor what mean of transport you will use or you are already in, you can use the following rule:

The preposition "на" + mean of transport in the prepositional case (на чём?)

For example:

Я езжу на работу на метро [Ya ezhu na rabotu na mitro] - I go to work by metro/tube

На чём? - на метро, на такси, на автобусе, на велосипеде - by what? - by tube, by taxi, by bus, by bicycle

Люди любят ездить на поезде, потому что это весело [Lyudi lyubyat ezdit' na poezde, patamu shta ekhta vesela] - People like traveling on train because it's funny

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