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How to describe the place or house where you live

Hello, dear student! Today I would like to devote time and give consideration to a very important topic, which we often use in conversation - story about our home or description of the place where we live.

It is important to note, that we need a wide range of adjectives and knowledge on our favorite cases. For a start, let's look at the most common adjectives which we can use to describe our house:

  • Новый [Novyj] - New
  • Большой [Bal'shoj] - Big
  • Просторный [Prastornyj] - Specious
  • Многоквартирный [Mnagakvartirnyj] - Apartment house
  • Одноэтажный [Adnaekhtajnyj] - One-story building/house
  • Многоэтажный [Mnagaekhtajnyj] - Multi-storey
  • Тесный [Tesnyj] - Cramped
  • Светлый [Svetlyj] - Light
  • Темный [Tyomnyj] - Dark
  • Старый [Staryj] - Old
  • Модный [Modnyj] - Fashionable/ in trend
  • Удобный [Udobnyj] - Comfortable
  • Красивый [Krasivyj] - Beautiful/nice/lovely
  • Уютный [Ujutnyj] - Cosy
  • Холодный [Khalodnyj] - Cold
  • Тёплый [Tyoplyj] - Warm
For example:
Я живу в многоэтажном доме. Моя квартира новая. [Ya zhivu v mnagaetazhnam dome. Maya kvartira novaya] - I live in a multi-story building. My flat/apartment is new.

В моей квартире очень уютно. [V maej kvartire ochen' ujutna] - It is quite cosy there in my flat/apartment.
Мой дом очень холодный, но зимой тут тепло. [Moj dom ochin' khalodnyj, no zimoj tut tiplo] - It is very cold there in my house, but in winter it's warm.

Я хочу купить себе красивую, модную квартиру [Ya khachu kupit' sibe krasivuju, modnuju kvartiru] - I want to buy a nice, trendy flat for me.

To describe the material which our flat or house is made from, we need the following words: nouns and adjectives which show what material our house or its part is made from:
  • Кирпич/кирпичный [kirpich/kirpichnyy] - brick
  • Железо/железный [zhileza/zhileznyy] - iron
  • Стекло/стеклянный [stiklo/stiklyannyy] - glass
  • Бетон/бетонный [biton/bitonnyy] - concrete
  • Дерево/деревянный [deriva/dirivyannyy] - wood/wooden
  • Алюминий/ алюминиевый [alyuminiy/alyuminiivyy] - aluminium

For example,
Стены в моем доме выполнены из бетона [Steny v majom dome vypalneny iz bitona] - The walls in my house are made fr om concrete.


У нас в доме бетонные стены [U nas v dome bitonye steny] - There are concrete walls in our house.

In the first case, the word "бетон" (concrete) is a noun, in the second one - an adjective.
Thus, you can make sentences interchanging material and make sentences as with nouns, as with adjectives.

Now let's turn to our cases. Please, pay attention, we will need the prepositional case very much, that's why it's necessary to review the topic on cases, if you are not sure in your knowledge.

When someone asks you:
- Где ты живёшь? [Gde ty zhivyosh?] - Wh ere do you live?

You should answer, for example:
- Я живу в старой квартире [Ya zhivu f staraj kvartire] - I live in the old flat.

Pay attention that the word "квартира" (a flat) is in the prepositional case, because we ask the question: в чём? Certainly, you can use the interrogative word "где?", but this question is for more advanced students.

You should also remember, that the word "дом" [dom] has different stresses depending on number and declension, for example:

дома‘ [dama΄] - houses
до‘ма [do΄ma] - at home
в до‘ме [f do΄me] - in the house

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