Hello, dear student!
Often, when we want to improve our oral skills, we need to read a lot and tell our interlocutor, teacher or friends any information. But what should we do, when somebody asks you to tell something and there is no book, the Internet or even time to know and be ready to answer? I suggest you to switch off from grammar a little bit and give consideration to such topic as "семья" (family). The origin of the word "семья" in Russian is very interesting. It is enough for foreigners to tell from which words this term is derived from and I guarantee they will easily memorize it as in the case with one of my students.
"Семья" [Sim'ya] a family is derived from the number "семь" (7) and pronoun "я" (me), so we literally have the phrase "семь меня" (seven of me). Families in Old Russia were big, over seven people, that is why it has such name "я" - a master of the house, a man, he is also a father, husband and breadwinner and all other people are "derived" from him - children and wife like a part of him - all together they form such foundation - "семья" (a family).
Let's look, who is who in this family:
The closest people, i.e. those who are related by blood or status:
Муж or супруг [Muzh] [Suprug] - a husband
In fact, since ancient time he is a careful person, family's breadwinner
Мой муж/супруг работает доктором [Moj muzh/suprug rabotaet doktaram] - My husband is a doctor
Жена or супруга [Zhina] [Supruga] - a wife
A woman who is a hostess, mother of children, mate of her husband in all deals
Моя жена/супруга родом из Африки [Maya zhina/supruga rodam iz Afriki] - My wife is from Africa
Дети (plural form)/ребёнок (singular) [deti/ribjonak] - a child/children
They are offspring of a husband and a wife. He/she/they can be of the same gender or different ones.
Мой ребёнок так быстро вырос [Moj ribjonak tak bistra vyras] - My child has grown up so fast
Мои дети живут в Москве [Mai deti zhivut f Maskve] - My children live in Moscow
Сын (singular)/сыновья (plural) [syn/synav'ya] - a son/sons
A child or male children
Моего сына зовут Андрей [Maivo syna zavut Andrej] - My son's name is Andrey
Мои сыновья уже взрослые [Mai synav'ya uzhe fsroslye] - My sons are already old
Дочь/дочка (singular)/дочери/дочки (plural) [doch'/dochka] [dochiri/dochki] - a daughter/daughters
A child or female children
Её дочка/дочь очень красивая и умная девочка [jejo dochka/doch' ochin' krasivaya i umnaya defachka] - Her daughter is a very beautiful and smart girl
У Тани три дочери/дочки [u Tani tri dochiri/dochki] - Tanya has three daughters
Родители/папа/мама/родитель (singular) [raditeli/papa/mama] [raditel'] - parents/ a dad/a mom, a parent
These are people who gave birth and brought up children
Мои родители сейчас далеко [Mai raditeli sichas daleko] My parents are away now
Мой папа работает в офисе [Moj papa rabotaet v ofise] My father/dad works in the office
Мама Никиты убирает комнату [Mama Nikity ubiraet komnatu] - Nikita's mother/mom/mum cleans the room
Дедушка и бабушка [dedushka/babushka] - a grandfather/a grandmother
These are parents of mother or father
Мои дедушка и бабушка родом из Минска [Mai dedushka i babushka rodam iz Minska] - My grandfather and grandmother are from Minsk.
Сестра/сёстры (plural form) [sistra/syostry] - a sister/sisters
She is another daughter of mother and father
Моя сестра ещё в университете [maya sistra ishjo v universitete] - My sister is still at the university
Маша и Регина - сёстры [Masha i Rigina - sjostry] - Masha and Regina are sisters
Брат/ братья (plural) [brat/bratya] - a brother/brothers
У Данилы всего лишь один брат и они очень дружные братья [U Danily fsigo lish adin brat i ani ochen' druzhnye brat'ya] - Danila has only one brother and they are on very friendly terms.