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School dictionary or Russian words about school

Hello, dear student! Today let's talk about school, as soon it is the first of September and someone goes to school or maybe get his/her children ready for the first grade. This article will be useful for mothers-foreigners, who come to Russia and do not know how to get their children ready for school. They often have to go shopping and choose a list of necessary items but they don't know how to describe or name any of them. I hope, this article will be useful for you.

Портфель/ школьный рюкзак/сумка [partfel'/shkol'nyy ryukzak/sumka] - a briefcase/school bag/packback/bag

Мне нужен вместительный рюкзак [Mne nuzhen vmistitel'nyj ryukzak] - I need a spacious packback

It is the thing, where students put their textbooks, meal and cloth for lessons.

Учебники [uchebniki] - books/textbooks

Нам надо купить восемь учебников, в каком магазине их можно приобрести? [Nam nada kupit' vosim' uchebnikav, f kakom magazibe ikh mozhna kupit'?] - We need to buy eight textbooks, in what bookshop we can find them?

Канцелярские принадлежности [kantsilyarskie prinadlejnasti] - stationery

It includes:
Карандаши простые [karandashi prastye] - pencils
Карандаши цветные [karandashi tsvetnye] - crayon
Линейка [linejka] - a ruler
Стёрка [styorka] - an eraser
Ручка [ruchka] - a pen
Фломастеры [flamastery] - markers
Пластилин [plastilin] - a plasticine
Точилка [tachilka] - a pencil sharpener
Цветная бумага [tsvitnaya bumaga] - a splash-paper
Альбом [al'bom] - an album for drawing

Тетрадь/тетради [titrat']/[titradi] - an exercise-book/books
Общая тетрадь [obshaya titrad'] - a writing book
A writing book can have 24, 48, 90, 120 pages or more
Тетрадь в клетку [titrad' f kletku] - a squared notebook
Тетрадь в линейку [titrad' v linejku] - a ruled notebook

Нам нужно купить две тетрадки и семь карандашей [Nam nada kupit' dve titradki i sem' karandashej] - We need to buy two notebooks and seven pencils.

У вас есть дешёвый альбом для рисования? [U vas est' dishyovyj albom dlya risavaniya?] - Do you have a cheap album for drawing?

Эти фломастеры такие дорогие, а тут всего пара цветов! [Ekhti flamastiry takie daragie, a tut fsivo para tsvitof!] - These markers are so pricy, but there is only couple of them!

Скажите, пожалуйста, в каком отделе у вас продают линейки, альбомы и цветную бумагу? Нам надо купить несколько штук [Skazhite, pazhalujsta, f kakom at''ele u vas pradajyut linejki, albomy i tsvetnuju bumagu? Nam nada kupit' neskal'ka shtuk] - Could you, please, tell me where/in what department I can buy rulers, albums for drawing and splash-paper? We need some.

Школьная форма [shkol'naya forma] - school uniform/outfit - is an obligatory part of almost all schools, so you should also buy it.

В магазине продаётся отличная школьная форма [V magazine pradayotsya atlichnaya shkol'naya forma] - There is an excellent school uniform is sold in the store

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