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Basic verbs of motion derived from prefixes. Derivatives from the verb "бежать"

Hello, dear student! I continue writing about verbs of motion and their derivatives which have been formed with the help of different prefixes. Well, please, pay attention, that in this case we talk about verbs of motion without any transport, but also not about going on foot. "Бежать" (to run) means that a person moves on foot much faster.

Бежать (to run) - добежать [dabizhat'], прибежать [pribizhat'], перебежать [peribizhat'], забежать [zabizhat']

Добежать (to run up to) - we use this verb when it is very fast movement with a final result. For example, I'm running on the road but it doesn't end. I need to be the first at the finish, so when I'm there, it means that I have run to the finish - there's a result, the action is complete:

Я еле добежала до вокзала [Ya ele dabcome runningizhala da vakzala] - I hardly ran up the railway station

Прибежать (to come running) - means the situation when we run and suddenly stop. We don't run anymore because it is unnecessary, we've got our result:

Соседка прибежала ко мне домой и стала рассказывать про сына [Sasedka pribezhala ka mne damoj i stala raskazivat' pra syna] - My neighbor had come running to my house and started talking about her son.

Перебежать (to run across) - we can do it across something, for example, I am running and there is a small hole in front of me, so I have just run across it:

Перебегать дорогу детям запрещено [Perebigat' darogu detyam zaprissheno] - It is prohibited for children to run across the road

Забежать (to run in/visit) often means that we are running somewhere, we are in a hurry and suddenly decide to run in some room quickly, or to run for a visit:

Забегай ко мне в гости! - сказала Наталья [Zabigaj ka mne f gosti! - skazala Natal'a] - Run for a visit! - said Natalya

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