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Adjective. Long and short forms

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Today we are going to consider 2 forms of adjectives presenting in Russian – long and short forms.

Long form of adjectives

1. It is used in informal speech:
Эта книга интересная [Ekhta kniga interesnaya] - This book is interesting

2. To describe a permanent quality:
Она больной человек [Ana bal'noy chilavek] - She is a sick woman

3. To describe a person or an object:
Этот дом большой, а этот маленький [Ehtat dom bal'shoy, a ehtat malen'kiy] - This house is big, and this one is small

Short form of adjectives

1. It is used in formal speech, literary language:
Это мнение интересно для изучения [Ehta mnenie interesno dl'a izucheniya] - This opinion is interesting to scrutinize.

2. To describe a temporary quality:
Он болен [On bolen] - He is ill

3. Characteristic depending on external factors
Эта тарелка мала для такого количества еды [Ehta tarelka mala dlya takova kalichistva edy] - This plate is small for such an amount of food.

Thus, it is necessary to know the rules, when to use long and short forms of adjectives. Please, remember: we use a long form of adjective in colloquial language.

Some examples for practice: Define the gender of adjectives

- Это понятно [Ehta panyatna] – It is clear
- Это будет хорошо [Ehta budit kharasho] – It will be ok
- Хорошая погодка [Kharoshaya pagoda] – Fine weather
- Милое платье [Milae plat’e] – Nice dress
- Они стары для такой работы [Ani stary dlya takoy raboty] – They are too old for such work
- Этот вывод логичен [Ehtat vyvad lagichin] – This conclusion is consistent.

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