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Verbs "есть/съесть" in Russian speech or how to eat correctly

Hello, dear student! Today we continue our grammar topic and give consideration to the important verbs, which denote that we are hungry and it's time to have some snack. Students often mix them up and don't know what verb to use. Let's look at certain examples:

Есть [est'] - to eat - is the verb, but do not confuse it with the Russian word "есть" (to have), which means belonging. The verb "есть" and the word "есть" are written and pronounced in similar ways, that's why be careful, you should think and check the correctness of your thought! The verb "есть" is written in the form of imperfective aspect, i.e. action takes place occasionally:

Я могу есть клубнику часами [Ya magu est' klupniku chasami] - I can eat strawberries for hours

This example shows that the action is occasional and that a person likes eating strawberries for his/her entire life and can eat it шт large numbers.

Съесть [S''est'] - have eaten - the verb, which denotes that some food has been already eaten, i.e. someone has eaten it once and that's all - the verb is perfective:

Мне надо сегодня съесть парочку вкусных тортов и жизнь сразу станет прекрасной [Mne nada sivodnya s''est' parachku fkusnykh tartof i zhizn' srazu stanit prikrasnaj] - I need to eat some cakes today and life's gonna be wonderful!

Now let's look, how these verbs are changed depending on tense and aspect:

Present tense

Imperfective aspect

Я ем - Мы едим [Ya em - My idim] - I eat - We eat
Ты ешь - Вы едите [Ty esh' - Vy edite] - You eat - You (plural) eat
Он, она ест - Они едят [On, ana est - Ani idyat] - He, she eats - They eat
There is no perfective aspect in the present tense, only imperfective

Past tense

Imperfective aspect

Я , ты, он ел [ya, ty, on el] I, you, he ate
Я, ты, она ела [ya, ty, ana ela] I, you, she ate
Мы, вы, они ели [my, vy, ani eli] We, you (plural), they ate

Perfective aspect

Я, ты, он съел [ya, ty, on s''el] - I, you, he have/has eaten
Я, ты, она съела [ya, ty, ana s''ela] - I, you, she have/has eaten
Мы, вы, они съели [my, vy, ani s''eli] - We, you (plural) they have eaten

Future tense

Imperfective aspect

Я буду есть [Ya budu est'] - I will eat
Ты будешь есть [ty budish est'] - You will eat
Он, она будет есть [on, ana budit est'] - He, she will eat
Мы будем есть [my budim est'] - We will eat
Вы будете есть [vy budite est'] - You (plural) will eat
Они будут есть [Ani budut est'] - They will eat

Perfective aspect

Я съем [ya s''em] - I will eat
Ты съешь [Ty s''esh] - You will eat
Он, она съест [On, ana s''est] - He, she will eat
Мы съедим [My s''edim] - We will eat
Вы съедите [Vy s'edite] - You (plural) will eat
Они съедят [ani s''edyat] - They will eat

In imperative mood these verbs have the following form depending on their aspect:
- Ешь свою кашу, а то я разозлюсь! [Esh' svayu kashu, a to ya razazlyus'] - Eat your porridge otherwise I'll be very angry with you!

- Съешь немного картофеля, он получился очень вкусным! [S''esh nimnoga kartofilya, on paluchilsya ochin' fkusnym] - Eat some potatoes, it came out quite tasty!

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