Новогодняя ёлка
Традиция наряжать новогоднюю ёлку идет из Древнего Египта, когда жители Египта в период Нового Года украшали свои жилища миртовыми ветками. В России еловыми ветками впервые стали украшать дома к Новому году по указу Петра-I в 1700 году, а уже позже, в XIX веке, россияне переняли у немцев обычай ставить ель на Рождество.
The tradition to decorate a New Year tree goes from Ancient Egypt when residents of Egypt during New Year decorated their homes with myrtaceous branches. In Russia for the first time people began to decorate houses with fir-tree branches for New Year by Peter I's decree in 1700, and later, in the XIX century, Russians took from the Germans a custom to put a fir-tree for Christmas.
The tradition to decorate a New Year tree goes from Ancient Egypt when residents of Egypt during New Year decorated their homes with myrtaceous branches. In Russia for the first time people began to decorate houses with fir-tree branches for New Year by Peter I's decree in 1700, and later, in the XIX century, Russians took from the Germans a custom to put a fir-tree for Christmas.
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