Валенки - это тёплые войлочные сапоги из овечьей шерсти. Прообразом валенок были традиционные войлочные сапоги кочевников Евразии. На территорию Руси валенки стали проникать в период Золотой Орды через тюркские и монгольские племена. В России валенки пользовались большой популярностью лишь в первой половине XIX века, когда их начали изготовлять промышленным способом. До этого они были достаточно дорогие и их могли себе позволить только зажиточные люди. Сегодня валенки ассоциируются с традиционным деревенским стилем одежды.
Valenki are warm felt boots made from sheep wool. Traditional felt boots of nomads of Eurasia were a prototype of valenki. On the territory of Russia valenki appeared into the period of the Golden Horde through Turkic and Mongolian tribes. In Russia valenki were very popular only in the first half of the XIX century when they began to be produced in industrial way. Before they were rather expensive and only rich people could afford them. Today valenki are associated with traditional rural clothes style.
Valenki are warm felt boots made from sheep wool. Traditional felt boots of nomads of Eurasia were a prototype of valenki. On the territory of Russia valenki appeared into the period of the Golden Horde through Turkic and Mongolian tribes. In Russia valenki were very popular only in the first half of the XIX century when they began to be produced in industrial way. Before they were rather expensive and only rich people could afford them. Today valenki are associated with traditional rural clothes style.
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