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  • Thông tin liên lạc:
  • Email:
  • Skype: Zve3da
  • Адрес (www): St Andrew CoE Primary School; Benslow Lane; Hitchin; SG4 9RD

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Tự đăng ký


Russian Language School TEREMOK (Hitchin, Hertfordshire)

If you are 2 to 99 years of age, want to learn or improve your Russian language and gain an understanding of Russian traditions and culture Supplementary Russian Language School TEREMOK is inviting you for a visit. We are open on Saturdays 11 am to 2 pm (term time).

Our classes:

*     Russian as a second language

*   Toddler group with introduction into Russian language (activity based)

Our learners are grouped by their language level and age into classes of up to 12 students per class.

Our Address: St Andrew CoE Primary School; Benslow Lane; Hitchin; SG4 9RD

For information and an informal chat call us on:

07735023755 asking Galyna

or email

Bản dịch
Bản dịch (ru-vi)
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