Камышлинский водопад (Алтай)
Камышлинский водопад находится на Алтае (Россия). Он состоит из двух каскадов общей высотой двенадцать метров. В 1996 году Камышлинский водопад получил статус памятника природы Республики Алтай. Это один из популярных и посещаемых туристами природных объектов в на реке Катунь.
The Kamyshlinsky falls are located in Altai (Russia). It consists of two cascades with a general height of twelve meters. In 1996 the Kamyshlinsky falls received the status of a nature sanctuary of Altai Republic. It is one of the popular and visited by tourists natural objects in on the Katun River.
The Kamyshlinsky falls are located in Altai (Russia). It consists of two cascades with a general height of twelve meters. In 1996 the Kamyshlinsky falls received the status of a nature sanctuary of Altai Republic. It is one of the popular and visited by tourists natural objects in on the Katun River.
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